Wednesday, September 28, 2011

The Flower Farm

Summer 2011

First Camping Trip, Tahoe, Emerald Bay

We've never camped. I have always had issues with the restroom concept. Now its all different right. Midori(Tyler((Dhruv's partner in crime))'s mom) mentioned she has booked a camped site in Emerald bay in the Tahoe area. Dhruv and Tyler are bestestst buddies in school. We thought it would be right to try to camp with someone, who is a little more experienced than us (they've camped one more time than us!). We drove up to the site. The site was splendid. It was about 50 yards from the Tahoe beach and 5 yards from the restrooms and bathrooms. The only things we bought were fruits and some sandwitches as we knew we were camping only for a day. The trees surrounding our tent site cooled down the place a lot. The trip was on the 22nd of September. Hana (T's sister) and the Madson family, helped us pitch our tent. The tent pitching took all of 5 minutes. We ordered this really nice one off of Amazon. Its called the Cole Instant Tent. Assembly and disassmbly did not take more than 10 minutes on the whole! We played a lot in the beach. We saw folks snorkling. We roasted smores, beef and salomi(as D calls it). The night was fun. The queen bed was comfortable for D and me. We kept pushing Arun off. The night ended with the boys crying about wanting to sleep in the same tent. We hope for a two day trip next time.

3rd Birthday

I haven't been really good about blogging recently. I thought I should make a note of some of the fun things I remember from this last year. Dhruv's third birthday was celebrated at the Breene Park in Rocklin. We had all my music students with their families most of our friends from work. The total was 80 people. The food served was Pizzas from Winco and drinks from Costco! Easy!
We had an obstacle race for the kids and since the party was on Easter day, 23rd April, we had a little egg hunt for all the kids too. It was so cute to watch these little monkeys run around and fetch eggs! Was a fun day overall.